Tech & Politics: Melissa Harris-Perry

Many TV shows are using Facebook and Twitter to further engage their audience. One great example is the Melissa Harris-Perry show, which airs 10am - 12pm on MSNBC on Saturdays and Sundays. The political show is very active on Twitter with its own hashtag #nerdland. Also, video of the show is available on the website soon after it airs - and it's iPad friendly!

She recently had a fantastic section on technology and how it's affected the political process. The panel talks about a recent Federal Elections Committee decision to allow donating to political campaigns via text message, the fact that women only account for 24% of STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) jobs, and the wonderful organization Black Girls Code by Kimberly Bryant. Please support their Summer of Code fundraiser, which has a goal of teaching computer programming to more than 300 boys and girls from underrepresented communities, in 90 days, in more than 7 cities across the United States.

Check out the video of the and fantastic discussions below!

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