Nintendo TVii Impressions: Could Be Better

Do you own a Nintendo Wii U system? If so, a new app named TVii is available to you. The app promises to integrate your cable with internet streaming services such as Hulu and Amazon Instant Video (Netflix is arriving in early 2013).. It's a great attempt, but the execution leaves a lot to be desired. 

Ideally, the service should allow you to search and browse for shows that you like and easily watch new or old episodes regardless of where they actually reside. In practice ... it has a few kinks that need to be worked out.. The interface is SLOW when accessing content, since it actually closes TVii and launches a separate Hulu / Amazon app to watch the content. All in all, it takes a good minute of waiting, which is just too much in this era of tablets.  Many people would rather just pick up a remote and get instant gratification.

If you can't see the Hulu and Amazon video below, click here.

Nintendo does a much better job with its Sports application, which allows real time tracking of basketball and football, complete with social networking integration. 

If you can't see the Sports video below, click here

Windows 8 Navigation Tips

Have you received a new computer for the holidays? You'll probably be surprised that Windows 8 looks completely different from what you may used to.  Here are a few shortcut commands that have helped me out - if you don't see the video above, click here.

The most helpful tip is that to search, all you need to do is begin typing! As you can see in the above video, you can find the Control Panel by just typing "Control Panel".  Even before you spell it out fully, you'll begin to see results. These results are separated by Apps, Settings, and Files. You can use this searching methodology to find anything that you're used to seeing, from setting your resolution to launching the Notepad

If you want to go back to the Windows experience that you're most familiar with, hold the Windows button and press D to enter Desktop view.  Here you'll be able to access My Computer, the task bar  and other familiar areas of Windows 7. To get back to the Windows 8 tiled view, simply press the Windows button.

One last thing: Microsoft has not made it clear how to actually shut down your computer! The easiest way is to press Control + Alt + Delete, and then select the power button in the lower right corner.

I think Windows 8 is a great operating system, but it takes some getting used to.  Hope you have a great time!